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  1. Use this code however you want. Source code of linked.h: #ifndef LINKED_H #define LINKED_H #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> typedef struct Node { int val; struct Node *next; } Node; typedef struct { Node *head; } Linked_List; Node *create_node(int); Linked_List *create_linked_list(); void linked_list_add_at_head(Linked_List *, int); void linked_list_add_at_tail(Linked_List *, int); void linked_list_add_at_index(Linked_List *, int, int); void linked_list_delete_at_index(Linked_List *, int); void linked_list_free(Linked_List *); int linked_list_get(Linked_List *, int); void display(Linked_List *); #endif Source code of linked.c: #include "linked.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> Node *create_node(int val){ Node *node = (Node*)calloc(1, sizeof(Node)); node->next = NULL; node->val = val; return node; } Linked_List *create_linked_list(){ Linked_List *list = (Linked_List*)calloc(1, sizeof(Linked_List)); list->head = NULL; return list; } void linked_list_add_at_head(Linked_List *list, int val){ if(NULL == list->head) list->head = create_node(val); else{ Node *temp = list->head; list->head = create_node(val); list->head->next = temp; } } void linked_list_add_at_tail(Linked_List *list, int val){ Node *cur; if(!list->head) linked_list_add_at_head(list, val); else{ cur = list->head; while(NULL != cur->next) cur = cur->next; cur->next = create_node(val); } } void linked_list_add_at_index(Linked_List *list, int index, int val){ Node *cur = list->head; Node *temp; if(!index) linked_list_add_at_head(list, val); else if(index && cur){ for(int i = 1; i < index; i++){ if(cur->next) cur = cur->next; else return; } temp = cur->next; cur->next = create_node(val); cur = cur->next; cur->next = temp; } } void linked_list_delete_at_index(Linked_List *list, int index){ Node *cur = list->head; Node *delete_node; if(!index && cur->next){ list->head = cur->next; free(cur); } else if(!index && !cur->next) list->head = NULL; else if(cur->next){ for(int i = 1; i < index; i++){ if(cur->next->next) cur = cur->next; else return; } delete_node = cur->next; cur->next = delete_node->next; free(delete_node); } } void linked_list_free(Linked_List *list){ Node *temp = list->head; Node *next; if(temp && temp->next){ next = temp->next; free(temp); while(next->next){ temp = next; next = next->next; free(temp); } free(next); } else if(temp) free(temp); } int linked_list_get(Linked_List *list, int index){ Node *cur = list->head; if(!index && cur) return cur->val; else if(!index && !cur) return -1; else{ for(int i = 0; i < index; i++){ if(cur->next) cur = cur->next; else return -1; } return cur->val; } } void display(Linked_List *list){ Node *cur = list->head; printf("Linked list: "); if(NULL == list->head){ printf("NULL\n"); return; } while(NULL != cur){ printf("%d ", cur->val); cur = cur->next; } printf("\n"); } Let`s test this. source code of list.c: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "linked.h" int main(){ Linked_List *list = create_linked_list(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) linked_list_add_at_tail(list, i*3); linked_list_add_at_index(list, 2, 2); display(list); linked_list_free(list); return 0; } We need to compile this: gcc list.c linked.c -o list.exe list.exe >> Linked list: 0 3 2 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27.
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